Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to wet set your hair

                                                                     How to wet set your hair

 Women today are very much into their hair.  It could be short, medium, or long in length.  Usually when we go to get our hair done it allows a time of pampering and relaxation. 

 For a style to be at its best you must wash the dirt, oils, and smelly scents out of your hair. This allows you to manage a style effectively so the end result will be with volume and bounce.

The steps to washing are very simple:

Next you roll your hair. 

Then you pin it.

 Finally you dry it.

As far as a relaxed feeling getting your hair washed is one of them.  First you should choose a shampoo for the texture and grade of hair. You should make sure the water to rinse your hair is a   comfortable temperature and to your liking.  Wet your hair so that the shampoo will take to the scalp.  Use your hands in a circular motion give a feeling of sensation.  This step can be done until your hair feels squeaky clean.  After that is complete you can put a leave conditioner in your hair and follow the next step, or you can put a conditioner in your hair and let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it out.

Then place a dry towel over the hair to dry excess water.  Lay the towel over your shoulders to keep your clothing from getting wet.  Put in a setting lotion to keep the curl firm when you roll it.  Last you part your hair into squared parts. Take a brush or fine tooth comb and run it from the root (scalp) of the hair to the end (tip) of the hair until it is smooth to the touch. Take a roller that is a good size for your hair length.  Place the roller at the tip of your hair.  Use two hands and turn the roller in a winding motion going down towards the scalp.  Once you reach the root of your scalp with the roller, simply place a setting pin on each side so the roller will sit firmly to the scalp.  Continue these steps until the entire hair is rolled.

Finally place a net in your hair and sit under the dryer for 45 minutes to an hour depending on your hair length.  To test the hair to see if it’s dry, you simply unroll a roller and see if the hair snaps into a curl.

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