Thursday, December 4, 2014


A picnic is an outing or an occasion that involves taking a packed meal to be eaten outdoors.

Where did the word "picnic" come from?

It was typical to have a picnic on a Friday evening in Oklahoma.  The word was short for "pic a nigger" to lynch.  They would lynch a Black male and cut off body parts as souvenirs.  this went on every weekend in this state, and it was across the country.

I chose this as an argument because although things can happen in the past that may have been negative. We as people can make a new history and allow the term to have a beautiful image of sharing and breaking bread with one another.  many words have positive and negative meanings but it is up to us to place the image that work best for you. If you are negative and like "pic a nigger" than im sure that this could still be a truth. a truth that cant exist legally. That alone brings relief to my heart. Today when i hear the word picnic i see a plaid red and white table cloth, grass and plenty of food.

There are many words in this world that can be argued as positive and negative. picnic could have meant that once upon of time..okay thanks for the history lesson, but it doesn't fit into whats going on with us as a people today.

Thats why it is called his story....

Where we examine both sides of the coin and let the chips fall where they may. It's always heads or tails. You cant honestly decide unless you look at both.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things. It’s the prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb. 

Men, women and children all can say they have at least one thing in common: hands; a part of the body used more than other parts of our body. You would use your hands to pick up an object, touch your feet, clap – to show a feeling of enjoyment – or even holding your forehead – showing a sign of emotion. Hands help us to communicate, create and feel almost everything we do.

Each person has twenty seven bones in their hand. Our hands, no matter what nationality or age, usually have four fingers and one thumb attached to your wrist. We all have knuckles, finger nails and lines in the palm of our hand called ‘palmar flexion creases’. In many obvious ways you can tell how we share similarities. Yet, hands are so unique in their own intricate way.

Those very hands that we are born with and are similar have noticeable differences as well. Such as size, long or short nails, fat or narrow fingers … They all have different ‘palmar flexion creases’ and most intriguing we all have different finger prints. It's so interesting to know that before we are born these patterns are being created before we are conceived. 

Although we all have hands, our creative talents are different. Some can play instruments, draw, heal others, build, write … the list is unlimited. What looks to be the same can be very different in so many ways.



Thursday, November 6, 2014

                       Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 


"beauty is the baught by judgement of the eye" William Shakespare in "Love's Labours Lost (c.1954)

     All things around us are creations.  All these creations have a beautiful and interesting story.  The story told will always be through the eyes of its beholder.
  1.      Most people believe that beauty is a standard form of something, for example tall, pretty or handsome with a slim build.  Some peoples perceptions usually define a standard image we follow as beauty in our society. 

                    "Beauty can not be judged objectively,
for what one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another."

     Beauty is a feeling you get in your heart when you admire something and can visualize all its natural attributes. A perfect example would be when it rains. If you think about it, what or even how do you feel when it rains? I believe that most people feel lazy and dread the rain falling. It slows down your day of planned errands and is very wet..On the other hand rain could bring great joy. when it comes their are those who like to dress for the weather, or even use your tote you got for the holidays.
     Rain to me was yucky and I never went outside when it rained.  I never dressed for that kind of weather. I felt rain was the worst of inclement weather.  One day I had to work in the rain because my field required rain, sleet, or snow. After dressing properly and wearing a hard hat for the weather I was well protected and kept dry. The rain that I found to be so yucky and wet was a mere thought of the past. The rain mad me feel peaceful. The world felt so still and quite-as though everyone was still asleep or frozen.
     When the rain hits your umbrella or the brim of a hat, it brings a desired sound of a fire crackling from a warm and cozy fire place. I love the rain now because of this beauty I encountered. I love how it makes people walk closer because their sharing an umbrella. I'm happy to behold a better vision of mother Nature.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

benefits of eating pumpkins

When you see a pumpkin a, what comes to mind?  A pumpkin pie, Pumpkin seeds, Jack-o-lantern, Halloween maybe, or even the letter 'O' in October. I definitely think of the color orange. Well there are more than meets the eye when it comes to Pumpkins.  Planting pumpkin seeds are simple stages.
Stage 1 is: planting of the seed a few inches into the dirt and cover it. Make sure it is exposed to sunlight and you water it.
Stage two: wait for the seed to sprout
Stage three: then when the vines are visible
Stage four:expect a flower to bloom. There are 2 kinds of flowers male and female. 

 Stage five: the green pumpkin has grown. The final,
Pumpkins grow into many shapes and sizes, with bumpy and smooth surfaces, or different colors such as yellow, green and orange.  After they grow they can be picked at farms and patches or purchased at grocery vegetable stands.

Did you know that pumpkins can be a valuable part of your diet?  They are rich in fiber, which slows digestion, they also keep you feeling fuller longer, says Caroline Kaufman, MS RDN and nutrition expert. Pumpkins happen to be low in calories and help to keep your body hydrated. 

 Its brilliant orange coloring comes from its ample supply of beta-carotene which converts into vitamin a.  Pumpkins are rich in potassium and a good source of vitamin B. They usually harvest in the months of Feb, and October.  Beta-carotene in pumpkin can also help in the fight against cancer.  This antioxidant and others help shield our cells against the cancer causing free radicals. Believe it or not, pumpkin can help keep our skin looking younger.  It protects us from the sun wrinkle-causing UV rays. 
Our family likes to go to the “White Post Farms” to go pumpkin picking.  We do so many wonderful things to the outside of the pumpkin as we observe the traditions of Halloween. Afterwards we get to eat the pumpkins center treats and enjoy the rich benefits.